Chester River Hospital Center
Oncology Services
Receiving a diagnosis of cancer is a
life-changing event. It may require important decisions about treatment,
commitment of significant resources (e.g. time, money, emotion, etc.),
temporary disruption of daily roles, and major lifestyle changes. At
Chester River Hospital Center we believe that the treatment of cancer
involves the treatment of the whole person and family.
Cancer Counseling Program
The Cancer Counseling Program, developed in affiliation with Johns
Hopkins Medicine, is a collection of services offered to cancer patients
and their families to address the psychological and social needs that
accompany the diagnosis of cancer. Funded partially through the generosity
of a local donor and partially through health insurance, services
are available from the point of diagnosis, throughout the course of
treatment, and beyond. Licensed mental health professionals and the
oncology nursing staff provide all services and programs.
Initial Screening
state-of-the-art, brief assessment measures, all new cancer patients
receiving chemotherapy treatment at Chester River Hospital Center
are screened for psychological distress and signs of difficulties
in the family as both patient and family cope with information about
the disease and make decisions about treatment. Patients and family
are then interviewed by a Cancer Counseling Program staff member to
further assess the functioning of the patient and family. Recommendations
for services, whether educational, supportive, and/or psychotherapeutic
in nature, are made at the conclusion of this evaluation.
screening at points of likely distress such as the beginning of treatment,
disease re-emergence, and end of treatment is done for all patients
as well. All services available are accessible to patients and family
members throughout treatment and the course of the disease.
Intervention - Timely, brief
assistance to the patient and family members at the time of diagnosis,
treatment decisions, and transitions in care.
Individual Counseling - Short-term
or longer-term assistance to aid the individual in coping with
the effects of illness on relationships, career, family, and emotional
functioning. Available for children, adolescents, and adults.
& Family Counseling -
Short- to long-term treatment specifically
aimed to improve the functioning of the couple and family as a
result of the disruptive effects of the illness or pre-existing
counseling services are provided through the staff of Chester River
Behavioral Health. Appointments can be made by calling (410) 778-5550.
Support Group
Education and discussion on cancer-related topics, open to all
those interested. Meets the fourth Monday of each month from 7:00
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria Meeting Room at Chester River Hospital Center. Contact Josie Elburn, R.N., for details
at (410) 778-3300, ext. 2381.
Group - Expressive
therapy group for women at any stage of treatment and recovery.
Meets twice a month on Tuesdays from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at
Chester River Hospital Center. Contact Dr. Rick Wirtz for details
at (410) 778-5550.
with Cancer -
Two FREE ninety-minute classes to help family and patients in
solving commonly occurring problems due to treatment and illness.
Scheduled each month based on interest.
Patient-to-Patient - Cancer survivors
who have experienced surgery, treatment, and living with cancer
are available to speak to newly diagnosed individuals and family
members. Volunteers are trained and supervised by the Cancer Counseling
staff. If you are a survivor and would like to share your knowledge
and experiences with newly diagnosed patients please call either
of the numbers below.
Those interested in participating in these support
and educational programs can contact Josie Elburn, R.N., or Vickie
Cranford, R.N., at (410) 778-3300, ext. 2381 or Dr. Rick Wirtz, Director,
Cancer Counseling Program at (410) 778-5550.
Respite care is available to patients and family
members to allow them to leave home to attend these meetings.

