& Queen Anne's Hospital
Recent News
10, 2003
Centreville National Bank of Maryland
Fulfills Five-Year Pledge to
Kent & Queen Anne's Hospital
was a good year for the Centreville National Bank of Maryland, and
a good day for Kent & Queen Anne’s Hospital’s capital campaign
when the bank recently presented a $25,000 check to the hospital.
The bank is the first community business to fulfill its five-year
pledge to Kent & Queen Anne’s Hospital’s capital campaign, Raising
the Standard of Excellence. Centreville National Bank meet its five
year pledge in one year.
The Raising the Standard of Excellence campaign began in
the fall of 2000 and has received nearly $4.5 million in community
support toward its five-year, $6 million goal. Proceeds are helping
to fund two new major health care initiatives at the hospital: a diagnostic
cardiac catheterization service and a permanent, in-house magnetic
resonance imaging service. Additionally, the hospital has significantly
expanded its emergency department and oncology treatment suite in
response to the need for more outpatient services. The construction
of a new, significantly larger operating room to better accommodate
vascular and orthopedic surgeries and a centralized patient registration
lobby and admitting area with a new main entrance are scheduled for
completion shortly.
left to right, front row are Kathy Walls, vice president
of marketing, Centreville National Bank; Daniel Saunders, Kent
& Queen Anne’s Hospital’s capital campaign co-chairperson;
Daniel T. Cannon, president, Centreville National Bank; |
and Willis Wells, campaign co-chairperson. Back row, left
to right are: William Catherwood, chairperson, campaign
family division; Roger Brown, chairperson, campaign major gifts
division; Carol Cords, co-chairperson, campaign auxiliary division;
Charles D. MacLeod, chairperson, Kent & Queen Anne’s hospital
board of directors; Lois Smith, co-chairperson, auxiliary division;
and William R. Kirk, Jr., president & CEO of Kent & Queen
Anne’s Hospital. |
Kent & Queen Anne’s Hospital is a member of Chester River Health
System which provides community-wide healthcare through a network
of community-based services.