Kent & Queen Anne's Hospital
Recent News

February 22, 2002

FOR RELEASE: Immediately

Local Groups Provide Bags & Books for Babies

Trinity Lutheran Church, the Friends of the Kent County Public Library and Kent & Queen Anne's Hospital work together encouraging young families to read. The church's Aid Association for Lutherans-Branch #4643, makes cloth tote bags that the Friends fill with books and reading materials designed to help parents foster a love of reading in their children and to use the library's many services. Included in the bag are baby's first book and a suggested reading list. These gifts have been given to babies born at Kent & Queen Anne's Hospital for the past five years. Pictured are Brandy Pinder of Chestertown and her two-day old daughter, Logan, receiving a gift of reading materials from Leah Schlenker (left), chairperson of the church project and Meg Gulbrandsen (right), representing the Friends of the Kent County Public Library. Last year, 218 babies born at the local hospital took home a book bag.