Kent & Queen Anne's Hospital
Recent News

February 5, 2002

FOR RELEASE: Immediately

Give 'Em A Roar! Lions Donate Stretchers to Hospital

The Lions Club of Chestertown donated $3,000 to Kent & Queen Anne's Hospital to purchase three ophthalmologic stretchers/operating room tables. These specially designed stretchers allow the surgeon and the highly specialized equipment to be closer to the head area. Having three stretchers will make ophthalmologic surgical procedures more comfortable and convenient for patients by eliminating the need to switch stretchers going into and out of the operating room.

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Highlighting the Lions Club pledge of "We Serve" and its goal of "Sight First," the group has set a goal of donating $15,000 to purchase the stretchers over the next five years. Pictured are (l to r): front row: Christine Brittingham, RN, operating room nurse manager; King Lion Wayne Benjamin, M.D.; Kathy Metcalf, RN, nurse manager, same day surgery; middle row: Linda Hickman, RN, Ph.D., vice president, patient care services; George Kastendike, King Lion-elect; Jim Lupis, member; top row: members David McIntire, George Lehner and Roy Owens.