& Queen Anne's Hospital
Recent News
4, 2001
RELEASE: Immediately
Hospital Offers Healthcare Scholarships
for Spring Semester
Kent & Queen Anne's Hospital is offering Katherine "Kitty"
Anthony Clements Scholarships to students enrolled in school for the
spring semester. Kent & Queen Anne's Hospital Auxiliary created
the scholarship to assist individuals in obtaining the initial education
or training required to become a health care provider in a field necessary
to meet the workforce needs of the hospital.
Applicants should be planning to pursue careers in areas such as nursing,
surgical technology, radiology or medical laboratory work. The program
will fund a student's education in exchange for working a pre-determined
length of service at the hospital while maintaining a grade point
average of 2.5. A recipient may receive up to $7, 00 over three years;
funds may be used to pay for tuition, fees and books. Students applying
for the program should be Delmarva residents.
Detailed information and applications are available from the Human
Resources Department of Kent & Queen Anne's Hospital located at
100 Brown Street, Chestertown, or by calling Leslie Stack at (410)
778-3000, extension 4006.