Kent Hospice Foundation, Inc.
Ways of Giving
A charitable gift annuity is a popular program that contributes both to your future financial health and Chester River Home Care & Hospice�s. A charitable gift annuity provides one or two people with an income stream for their lifetimes; the income can never be outlived. Chester River Home Care & Hospice�s gift annuity program is administered by Mercantile-Safe Deposit & Trust Company. When the last beneficiary passes away, the balance of funds is transferred to the hospital.
The person making a gift annuity receives an immediate income tax deduction and can carry over any unused portion of the deduction for up to five additional years. The payout rate is based on age and is paid monthly or quarterly. A great advantage of funding a charitable gift annuity with a donation of appreciated stock is that it reduces your capital gains tax liability. If you are interested in learning more about charitable gift annuities or other giving options, please call 410-778-7668, ext. 4013.
