Chester River Hospital Auxiliary Installs New Officers

The Chester River Hospital Auxiliary recently announced their 2013 board of directors.

Serving on the board's executive committee in 2013 are Jack Edson, president; Sabina Baker, vice president; Mackey Dutton, recording secretary; Alice Barron, corresponding secretary; Bob Scofield, treasurer; Jeddie DeCoursey and Jo Ann Bowdle, parliamentarian co-chairs; and Erin Gillespie and Miki Smith, immediate past co-presidents.

In addition to their volunteer efforts at the hospital, the Auxiliary is responsible for income generated for Chester River Health System services through the Chester River Hospital Gift Shop and the Nearly New Shop, located at 320 High Street in Chestertown.

Regarding the goals of this year's board of directors, Jack Edson, president, commented, "The Auxiliary is looking forward to two significant openings this year. First, we are anticipating the opening of the new Palliative Care Suite, for which the Auxiliary provided the entire funding. Secondly, we are looking forward to our move to the new Gift Shop location which will be at the very front of the new main entrance to the Hospital. This will give the Shop increased exposure compared to our location in past years."

Edson continued, "We plan an aggressive recruiting campaign to increase the number of volunteers staffing the Gift Shop, the Nearly New Shop and the Hospital volunteers." For more information about the Auxiliary or becoming a volunteer, contact Jack Edson, president, at (410)348-2159 or by e-mail at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


Members of the Chester River Hospital Auxiliary board of directors include (front row, from left to right) Mackey Dutton, recording secretary; Miki Smith immediate past co-president; Alice Barron, corresponding secretary; Jan Taylor, Heron Point member at large; (back row) Jack Edson, president; Erin Gillespie, immediate past co-president; Sabina Baker, vice president; and Bob Scofield, treasurer.